Jesus, the Son of God. The New Testament is clear. It is important to have a sound understanding of God's word, His Word would agree.
Joseph and Jesus - Part 1 - is a study of the mirroring of the life of Joseph prophesied in ancient times that would be fulfilled by Jesus many years laters.
Joseph and Jesus - Part 2 is a continuation of God's effort to reveal hundreds of years before events, His saving plan for all of mankind.
Naaman's life is a mirror of the return of the diseased and divorced ten tribes of Israel. They, like the prodigal son, repented. The Father has forgiven them and they have returned to the covenant family under the umbrella of the Christian nations.
Jesus taught and healed both houses from the kingdom of Israel: the house of Judah and the house of Israel. He brought back into the covenant family the lost house of Israel.
Esau and Jacob is a discussion of their lives and how each one mirrored a people of God. One was rough around the edges and the other learned to overcome. Their story is prophetic.
Jacob's wives unveils the story of churches that will birth congregations that will overcome and enter into God's kingdom. God's penmanship is a mastery of excellence!
The Woman at the Well is a short story found only in John 4. Often missed and read over, it is the preserved story by God of the returning church of the ten tribes of Israel. Christ was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel--those cut-off, ten tribes. Their repentance and offer of God's Holy Spirit is preserved in this wonderful, little story of the woman at the well.
God uses the imagery of the sea to provide a vivid image of turbulence and the home of the Wicked. Jesus silenced the sea and those demonic beings listened.
Qanon uses coded language to provide transparency during this deceitful time in our history. Learn God's coded language and you can understand the prophecy given to us. God's plan for mankind is transparent. God's coded language is only to ensure that truly genuine believers come to learn the truth.
God's use of language, His imagery, parallels, mirroring, symbols and numbers unveil a complex engineering within that is comprised of many layers of knowledge.
“For now WE SEE ONLY A REFLECTION as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I KNOW IN PART; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known”
(I Corinthians 13:12).
From earth, everything is a great mystery. With relentless searching of the scriptures, the world in heaven can been seen, though like looking through a dark glass, even still known.
The fall of one-third of the angelic sons of God in heaven, has been rise to the second creation on earth who will fill the positions of the fallen from heaven.
Cities of traders point to the exchanges that take place between Wickedness and their victims.
God will bring all mankind to their knees. The will sell everything to survive and only when they have nothing, will they bend their knee to survive.
The story of Benjamin discloses many details about a mystery people over the ages who are protected and in the latter days come out into the open to stand by Jesus Christ.
Benjamin is a cleansed people. He was a blood brother to Joseph and Joseph mirrored Jesus Christ. This relationship is mirrored in a Benjamin-people who will become visible in the latter days.
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