Adam's sin was different to Eve's.
Adam sinned knowingly imaging the sins of the fallen angels in heaven.
Eve was deceived imaging the sins of mankind on earth.
A time of great distress is coming, but from it, people will be humbled and call on the Almighty God.
Following medical science, wearing a mask does not provide protection from viruses.
Judo-Christians all agree that Satan is alive and well and influences people daily. They also believe that there are angels with differing strengths, abilities and roles. Jews may differ on the godship and the Messiah of Jesus, but his existence is not questioned. But after that a wall of darkness has formed and they cannot see the magnitude of the dominions and the different life forms that exist. This video is part one of many that addresses this topic.
A great wave of hatred erupted out of the U.S.A. in 2017. From out of a Christian nation, angst poured across the nation flowing into neighbouring nations and across the world. What was quietly doing business in the shadows, but now, it is being forced out into the open. Is the rage justified? How can Judo-Christians test WHO to believe and WHAT?
The Mystery of Iniquity
The new normal is forcing Wickedness into the light. Some of them have been here all along operating in the shadows, but when the gods return, their plan is to stay and establish themselves as the leaders over all the nations on earth. This presentation will detail man's enemies who are not flesh and blood, rather rogue heavenly rulers, powers and authorities.
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