The rebels in heaven. They are powerful rulers, powers and principalities.
They will arrive on earth and demand worship.
The great battle to come. It will be a spiritual war, face-to-face. Beings with great power will bring the nations of the world to their knees.
The little horn of Daniel will play a leading role in the destruction on earth and in heaven.
21st century nations of Israel, all twelve nations, will rise up and declare their allegiance to their God, the God of Israel, the Almighty God.
The twelve nations of Israel will repent and through the great support and strength of Almighty God and Jesus Christ, Wickedness will be destroyed!
A time is coming; it rests on our near horizon when aliens will arrive and they will demand worship. They are fallen sons of God from creation in heaven.
Satan and his coalition of 1/3 of the angels will be thrown out of heaven. The alien arrival will be a surprise for the sleepy people on earth.
God's Righteous Leadership: Forgotten into the 21st century is the magnitude of God's leadership. When Adam and Eve sinned, God's leadership on earth was divided from ONE into TWO: law and grace. God's people, the kingdom of Israel was divided into TWO: the houses of Judah and Israel. These twos will at the return of Christ be married back into ONE.
The Seven Churches of Revelation: is a comprehensive study viewed from the big picture of seven groups of people responsible for seven core functions of a kingdom--God's holy kingdom of royal priests.
Prayer is a way of communicating with a higher power and seeking guidance, support, and strength. It can be a powerful tool for coping with stress, anxiety, and difficult situations.
The Troubling Future of Mankind: We live in uncertain times and it feels like a new chapter is being written in the history of mankind. President Trump and the Q team are battling an opposing force. What will be the outcome? Can we predict possible scenarios, if so, how?
"Trust the Plan," Q said. A new chapter has begun in the history of mankind on earth. President Trump and his loyal team battle daily against powerful people pushing their own agenda. If this is a battle of good against evil, as Q states in his posts, then, evil will battle until one of the two sides is totally destroyed. How can mankind prepare?
Will God Restore the Kingdom now? This was the question the disciples asked Jesus 2,000 years ago. Jesus responded that it is not for him to know that matter that belongs only to God Almighty because it is a military secret. Despite not knowing the exact time of Christ's return, the Prophets all wrote of the re-unification of the two houses: Judah and Israel. It is a prophecy that is guaranteed to happen.
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