Unlike secret societies and corrupt political and religious leaders, God Almighty is transparent. He has provided all of mankind with evidence of His existence and power. To His people, He has given them all what they need to know about His plan for them and the nations of the world. At the end of the age, God will judge all people; they will be without excuse.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).
The transparency of God is unveiled through His use of imagery, mirroring, parables, parallels and numbers, stories, foreshadows not to mention creation all around us on earth.
God is consistent in His use of His coded language. The imagery in the scriptures can be easily decoded when you understand how to use the key. Unlock the mysteries and enter into the world of Almighty God. You will find treasures never seen before and riveting prophesies lying on our near horizon.
God’s world in the heavens is complex—a multi-dimensional, timeless quantum place. He has countless angels serving him; He has the four living creatures surrounding his throne; He has two guardian angels each side of the ark of the covenant; He has twenty-four elders; He has special angels: archangels, cherubim, seraphim, guardian and death angels; and He has many sons titled under various names: holy ones, morning stars and gods ruling in the heavens.
Mankind was created mortal and placed on a physical three-dimensional planet with significantly limited abilities compared to God’s creation in the heavens. God is transparent, yet—careful not to share every detail of His grand plan with His enemies. He, however, wants His newest creation to understand as much as can be possible through the limited lens given to them. Hence, the use of imagery, picturing, parallels, mirroring, stories, and parables to provide keys into God’s coded language.
“Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His plan to His servants” (Amos 3:7-8).
Having an understanding of God’s coded language, shines a bright light onto the scriptures in the books of the Bible. Let’s begin.
ADAM was created to image God and the heavenly sons of God who all hold powerful positions of rulership. It is likely that both Adam and Eve’s body prior to their sin shone with the glory of God, which was lost after they sinned and they were then clothed by God. “A man ought not to cover his head, since HE IS THE IMAGE AND GLORY OF GOD...” (I Corinthians 11:7).
Scripture states: Adam was created before Eve (Genesis 2)
He was created before Eve intentionally to teach us that there exists a body of heavenly sons of God before mankind was created. Adam images these heavenly beings.
§ Adam named the animals before the creation of Eve, indicating the authority the sons of God hold before the creation of mankind (Genesis 2:19). The heavenly sons of God have rulership in heaven; they are members of God’s holy, royal, ruling family.
§ Adam’s body is different to Eve’s; he is physically stronger as one example and she can conceive and birth children. This difference reflects the role of Christ who will remain stronger than resurrected mankind. Her ability to conceive and birth children reflects her role as a church to teach the word of God and produce a congregation of God-fearing and God-serving members.
§ Adam finds no help-meet (Genesis 2:18). There does not appear to exist in heaven, at this time, complimenting partners for the heavenly ruling sons of God.
§ Adam was put to sleep (Genesis 2:21). After Adam sinned, phase two of God’s plan was activated and the first Adam was replaced by a second Adam. The first heavenly ruling sons who mirrored the first Adam were replaced by one Son of God who mirrors the second Adam. A tested Son of God, the tested stone of Isaiah 28:16 and I Peter 2:6 succeeded and became the Savior of mankind. Just as Adam was put to sleep, so this Son of God died [put to sleep] to pay the price for the sins of mankind. As a result, from him the newest creation has been redeemed and eternal life is once again an option.
EVE was created to image the rulership of mankind. “... but the woman is the glory of man” (I Corinthians 11:7).
Eve is created from a rib from Adam (Genesis 2:21). As Adam awoke to view Eve, his beautiful helpmeet made from one of his ribs, so our Savior after his resurrection, watches repentant mankind grow into a radiant church in him.
When Adam saw Eve, immediately he knew she was good for him (Genesis 2:23). Christ loves his church and died for it and all of mankind.
MALE: National leadership is described using the male gender.
In summary: the male gender pictures the god-kind and national leadership.
FEMALE: Church leadership (good and bad) is described using the female gender.
In summary: the female gender pictures mankind and church leadership.
Both of them: male and female/existing sons of God and resurrected mankind are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Resurrected mankind will rule as children of God in His holy, royal, ruling family. The sons of God prior to the creation of mankind and resurrected mankind are all created in the image of God; they are all children of God in His royal, ruling kingdom.
The heavenly domain and earthly domain are homes for the two separate creations within God’s family.
The domains: heaven and earth of each of these two groups of eternal children of God will remain their own domain and when all things are restored, both domains will be made new, for “God will create a new heaven and new earth and the first heaven and the first earth will pass away” (Revelation 21:1).
“But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife/woman is her husband/man, and the head of Christ is God” (I Corinthians 11:13).
In the heavenly world, God Almighty is King and Lord of all. Christ is his body and rules second in-charge with him. The church, Christ’s Bride, when she is resurrected will rule with Christ, but he will always have pre-eminence over her. The other righteous heavenly rulers will continue to rule as they have done before the creation of mankind. Resurrected mankind will not have pre-eminence over existing heavenly rulers. The order of authority is clear from I Corinthians 11:13:
1. God Almighty is head of all
2a. Christ rules second in-charge ruling over the existing heavenly rulers
2b. Christ’s bride will co-rule with Christ as a unified body; he is the head and she is his body.
3. Other heavenly rulers continue to rule and hold their original positions in their domain, but now they are under Christ’s
4. The remaining resurrected mankind will be subject to those above them.
Christ is the head of every man, which pictures Christ ruling the heavenly realm under Almighty God. The head of a wife/woman is her husband/man, as Christ is the head of the church/mankind.
“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior” (Ephesians 5:23).
Mankind owes their eternal life to Christ who paid the price for our sins. That is why God made Eve from the rib of Adam. Christ is the second Adam; through him repentant mankind receives eternal life.
Women were created with the ability to reproduce, so too, the church produces spiritual children of God. This is not done through national leaders. It is the role of a good mother to teach and correct her children. With the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, this reproductive ability gives birth to billions of potential children of God. The churches ability to provide spiritual food and birth children of God is an admirable quality admired in the heavenly realm. The angels rejoice every time a sinner repents (Luke 15:10). She is likely to continue after her resurrection, in a similar role—teachers and priests always pointing to the path of righteousness and teaching the ways of God. Whatever form she will take after her resurrection, she will be radiant and a beautiful compliment for Christ.
Click here for more information on the imagery of the male and female genders part 1 and part 2.
NAAMAN THE SYRIAN, a Gentile general went to Elisha for healing. He had leprosy and came with gifts: 10 changes clothes, 2,000 shekels of gold, 10 talents of silver. Jesus reminded the Jews, “there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed—only Naaman the Syrian” (Luke 4:27).
There is special meaning in this story. Jesus did not say it to aggravate the Jews, but remind them that their brothers, now Gentiles would be healed of their spiritual decay. The story is rich in imagery:
Click on this link for the transcript of the video on this story.
THE WOMAN AT THE WELL is the story of the repentance 10 tribes of Israel. This house of people was left to wander through the nations after their captivity, because they would not repent. Their stubborn and rebellious spirit eventually brought them to their knees. Their history was a scattering by historians as they came into contact with other nations; they were a lost people. In despair, the church of the 10 tribes called out and God heard them. This is the story of the woman at the well preserved only by the Apostle John.
Click on this link for the transcript of the video on this story.
SAMSON'S RIDDLE: “Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet” (Judges 14:14).
This riddle has teased readers for generations. The sight of a mighty lion, like the power of the Philistines over Israel, torn apart at the hands of someone given supernatural strength from God, decomposed into a lifeless—empty carcass pricked Samson’s curiosity, for within this decayed body, a community of bees appeared producing sweet eternal honey, like the Believers in this dark deceptive world speaking the eternal truth of God. The prophesy of the Philistine overthrow by God’s power through Samson was already at play.
God is able. He is able to cause bees to settle, live and produce honey in a place unnatural for them, so He is able to preserve truth within a community of Believers in a deceitful and corrupt world of wicked people. He is able to bring forth life-giving water in an unclean, dry place, so He is able to revive a dying people and bring them back spiritually through His Holy Spirit in a place that denies the existence of God. Samson ate the honey and drank the water. Eventually, all of Israel will eat the pure word of God and drink His Holy Spirit.
Click on this link for more of this story.
The imagery of THE FEEDING OF THE MULTITUDE of 5,000 and 4,000 in the gospels is another story preserved to show that Jesus fed both houses of Israel, himself.
Click on this link for the transcript of the video on this story.
Click on this link for the video.
THE STORY OF THE 153 FISH. What a miracle! What a wonder! God is at work with Christ transforming people into sons of God. When Christ returns, he will resurrect and transform the saints into sons of God, then what was long hoped for will become a reality and finally, people will begin to see and understand the magnitude of their calling.
The seven churches are the 21st century nations of Israel—all twelves tribes. Upon his return, Christ will gather all twelve tribes and teach them the word of God directly. They will not recognize him initially because they claim to be Christians—the national religion, but they do not know or live God’s way. The churches all teach hundreds of different doctrines and interpret scriptures through their own eyes. They are careless handling God’s word and do not seek to test and prove their teachings. It was the catch of the saints that was the proof for the Christians that Christ was standing before them. Christ will correct them and the resurrected saints in their glory will be by their side to guide them along the way. The survivors of 21st century Israel will enter a new and exciting chapter in their history. This time, they will obey God and enjoy abundant blessings: no sickness or war, riches and wealth, happiness and peace.
Click on this link for more on this story.
The parallels in the story of JOSEPH MIRRORS THE STORY OF JESUS.
Joseph, like many of God’s servants who are part of the greater story, was young when God began His work through him. He was a boy loved by his father. “Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him” (Genesis 37:3). Joseph’s story images the greater story of God’s love for His Son, His beloved Son—the one of whom He is well pleased.
Click on this link for the transcript of the video on this story.
Watch the video of the comparison of Joseph and Jesus Part 1 and Part 2.
Watch the sharing session with Janette and Gavin on this topic Part 1.
Watch the video of the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine.
JACOB AND ESAU their story is a reminder to God’s people that salvation is not dependant on being a “covenant people” but upon their repentance, acceptance of God’s grace and OVERCOMING.
Click on this link for the transcript of the video of Jacob and Esau.
Watch the video of Jacob and Esau.
JACOB'S TWO WIVES AND THEIR HANDMAIDENS is a story about the church structure that God loves, the church structure that wanders off track and the two church structures among the Gentile nations. These women lived the roles of the churches within God’s covenant people. The tension, the competition, the loss and their achievements exist today as it did in ancient times.
Click on this link for the transcript of this story.
Watch the video on Jacob's Wives.
Ruling heavenly beings are described as “cedars”. “Consider Assyria, once a cedar in Lebanon... The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it... no tree in the garden of God could match its beauty. I made it beautiful with abundant branches, the envy of all the trees of Eden in the garden of God... Because it towered on high, lifting its top above the thick foliage, and because it was proud of its height, I handed it over to the ruler of the nations, for him to deal with according to its wickedness, I cast it aside... No other trees so well-watered are ever to reach such a height, they are all destined for death, for the earth below, among mortal men, with those who go down to the pit” (Ezekiel 31).
The imagery of “cedars” in God’s garden are the strong and powerful heavenly and earthly rulers. Some are described as exceptionally tall, robust, with branches that span a large area all indicates the level and magnitude of the authority given to them by God.
The Bible interprets itself. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a tree that “grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth” (Daniel 4:11), which in his dream was cut down, branches trimmed, leaves stripped and fruit scattered (Daniel 4:14). Troubled, he asked Daniel to interpret the dream. Daniel identified the tree as King Nebuchadnezzar, “you, O king are that tree!” (Daniel 4:22)
God is at war. His center has collapsed. He is rebuilding his headquarters.
“In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest?” (Isaiah 29:17).
“The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree; he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, they will flourish in the COURTS OF OUR GOD. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green” (Psalm 92:12-15).
Read more: What happened in God's headquarters?
“‘The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,’ declares the LORD… Though in anger I struck you, in favor I will show you compassion… THE GLORY OF LEBANON WILL COME TO YOU, the PINE, the FIR and the CYPRESS together, to adorn the place of my sanctuary and I will glorify the place of my feet… all who despise you will bow down at your feet and will call you The City of the LORD, Zion of the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 59:20, 60:10, 60:13, 14).
God is planting leaders with differing abilities and strengths in His new headquarters and holy courts. He describes them as cedars, acacia, myrtle, olive, pine, fir, poplar and cypress trees. The places void of truth and righteousness will be populated with people who are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and people will live righteously.
“I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs. I will put in the desert the CEDAR and the ACACIA, the MYRTLE and the OLIVE. I will set PINES in the wasteland, the FIR and the CYPRESS together, so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the LORD has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it” (Isaiah 41:19-20).
After Abimelech’s father, Gideon, died he sought to be the sole ruler of his people. He killed 70 of his brothers but the youngest brother escaped and returned when Abimelech was about to be crowned king under the great tree at the pillar [the coronation site] in Shechem (Judges 9:6)
“Listen to me [Jotham, youngest son of Gideon], citizens of Shechem, so that God may listen to you. One day the trees [citizens] went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree [a priest], ‘Be our king.’ But the olive tree answered, ‘Should I give up my oil [the teaching of the word of God], by which both gods and men are honored, to go waving over [ruling over] the trees?”
“Next, the trees said to the fig tree [productive, benevolent leader], ‘Come and be our king.’ But the fig tree replied, ‘Should I give up my fruit, so good and sweet, to go waving over the trees?’”
“Then the trees said to the vine [a civic leader], ‘Come and be our king.’ But the vine answered, ‘Should I give up my wine, which cheers both gods and men, to go waving over the trees?’”
“Finally all the trees said to the thorn-bush [an inexperienced, bumbling leader that causes trouble], ‘Come and be our king.’ The thorn-bush [wicked leader] said to the trees [the civilians], 'If you really want to anoint me king over you, come and take refuge in my shade [take refuge under my leadership]; but if not, then let fire come out of the thorn-bush [the thorn-bush will go to war against a powerful and highly experienced nearly invincible leader—the cedars of Lebanon] and consume the cedars of Lebanon! [destroy the strongest leaders in headquarters]’” (Judges 9:7-15)
The two olives trees on each side of the two lampstands are identified in Revelation 11:4 as the two witnesses—the two anointed ones of Zechariah 4:14. From them, olive oil the source of light is shone to the world.
King David said, “But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God” (Psalm 52:8).
Click here to read a mini book reviewing the imagery of trees as leaders into our 21st century.
The dazzling and awesome image of the great statue in Daniel parallels the rise and fall of four kingdoms described as beasts. Each beast corresponds to a section of the awesome statue:
A quest to win the kingdom is at play in the heavens, but mankind is oblivious to the challenge. Apostle Paul wrote about a kingdom that the faithful sought, “they longed for a better country—a heavenly one… the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:16, 10).
“The secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them,” Jesus said in Matthew 13:11. It is like the sower, but not all of the seeds fell on good ground and the farmer who took care of his field, but his enemy planted weeds among the wheat. It will begin small, very small, but it will grow into a kingdom that will fill the earth.
Click here for more on the battle for the kingdom.
This kingdom has not yet been awarded. Battles have been fought on earth for this kingdom, and still mankind is oblivious to the challenge. Satan’s plan is to keep mankind ignorant of their potential, but God is transparent. Unfortunately, most of mankind is not listening to God. There are, however, a remnant people who are listening and obeying God; they are the saints. God has already foretold His judgment. The saints will receive the kingdom and rule with Christ who has been anointed King of kings and Lord of lords.
“The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth. But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever… before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached he Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed” (Daniel 7:18, 13-14).
Well, that clears up that issue. Unfortunately, one last great terrifying battle remains. The need to draw close to God is now, without delay.
The Bible is peppered heavily with imagery, parallels, stories, and mirroring. The reward of a scholar who finds the hidden things of God is like the honor given to the great kings. They have found precious treasures and shared them, discovered the lost and put it on display. Their drive could not be exhausted; their love for truth could not be snuffed out.
My summary list:
In addition to these, Biblegateway.com provides a list below: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/1670-symbols
Symbolic objects
The rainbow: a symbol of God’s covenant See also Ge 9:13; Eze 1:28; Rev 4:3
A stairway: a symbol of the way to God Ge 28:11-13; Jn 1:51
Thunder, lightning, cloud and smoke: symbols of God’s majesty Ex 19:16-18; Ex 24:17; Ps 97:2,4; Rev 4:5; Rev 8:5; Rev 11:19
Thunder: a symbol of God’s voice Ps 29:3; Ps 68:33
Trumpets: a symbol of God speaking Ex 19:19; Rev 8:6
The pillar of cloud and fire: a symbol of guidance Ex 13:21
A throne: a symbol of God’s glory Isa 6:1; Eze 1:26; Rev 4:2; Rev 22:3
Dry bones: a symbol of spiritual death Eze 37:1-2,11
White hair: a symbol of wisdom Da 7:9; Rev 1:14
The wind: a symbol of the Holy Spirit Jn 3:8; Ac 2:2
Fire: a symbol of the Holy Spirit Ac 2:3
Stars and lampstands: symbols of God’s ministers Rev 1:20
A signet ring: a symbol of authority Est 8:10; Hag 2:23
Arrows: symbols of God’s judgments Ps 38:2; Ps 120:4
A sceptre: a symbol of God’s rule Ps 2:9; Rev 2:27; Rev 19:15
The capstone: a symbol of pre-eminence Mt 21:42 pp Mk 12:10-11 pp Lk 20:17; Ps 118:22
A rock: a symbol of stability Ps 18:2; Ps 40:2
The human body: a symbol of interdependence 1Co 12:27
Grass: a symbol of human frailty Ps 90:5-6; 1Pe 1:24
Symbolic creatures
The serpent: a symbol of Satan’s subtlety Ge 3:1; Rev 12:9; Rev 20:1-3
Locusts: a symbol of God’s judgment Ex 10:12; Joel 1:4; Rev 9:3
Beasts: symbols of earthly kingdoms Da 7:2-7,17; Da 8:20-22
A dove: a symbol of the Holy Spirit Mt 3:16 pp Mk 1:10 pp Lk 3:22
A lamb: a symbol of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice Rev 5:6
Symbolic actions
Breaking a jar: a symbol of the destruction of Jerusalem Jer 19:10-11
The cursing of a fig-tree: a symbol of judgment Mt 21:18-19 pp Mk 11:12-14
Washing hands: a symbol of innocence Mt 27:24
Being thirsty: a symbol of spiritual need Ps 63:1; Jn 7:37
Baptism: a symbol of salvation in Jesus Christ Ac 22:16; Ro 6:3-4; 1Pe 3:21
The Lord’s Supper: a symbol of union with Christ Mt 26:26-29 pp Mk 14:22-24 pp Lk 22:19-20 pp 1Co 11:23-26
Anointing: a symbol of empowering by God’s Spirit 1Sa 16:13; Lk 4:18; Isa 61:1
Harvesting: a symbol of judgment day Joel 3:12-13; Mt 13:29-30; Rev 14:15
Tearing garments: a symbol of anger and sorrow Ge 37:29,34; Jos 7:6
Spitting: a symbol of contempt Isa 50:6; Mt 26:67 pp Mk 14:65
Shaking off dust: a symbol of rejection Mt 10:14 pp Lk 9:5; Ac 13:51
Sitting in sackcloth and ashes: a symbol of repentance Ps 69:11; Isa 22:12; Jnh 3:5-6; Mt 11:21
Lifting of hands: a symbol of prayer Ps 63:4; 1Ti 2:8
Covering the head: a symbol of submission 1Co 11:3-10
Symbols expressing God’s nature and character
God’s face: a symbol of his presence Nu 6:25-26; Ps 34:16
God’s arm or hand: a symbol of his power Ps 21:8; Ps 89:13
God’s eyes: a symbol of his awareness Pr 15:3; 1Pe 3:12
God’s ear: a symbol of God listening Ps 31:2; Isa 59:1
Share the story, sharing sharpens.
Click here to watch the learning video on this topic.
There is a story so big that few can see it; this story is so magnificent that it blinds the many. The story is ancient, yet more current than the news of today. The story is urgent, yet few people care. It is the story of the two great forces of God’s leadership mirrored in the story of His people and in Biblical imagery. This story explains the purpose for the creation of mankind and their role in God’s eternal kingdom.
On earth, this story began with Adam and Eve who in their beginning walked with God in His garden of delights. Mankind was made in God’s image; they are part of His royal family—His garden of delights. They had open fellowship with God. They trusted Him until they sinned, then they knew they made a mistake and they feared God; they felt guilt and immediately they went into hiding. The fall of man captured and submerged the part of the soul of man that deals with matters of the heart, inspirations, feelings of love, joy and peace and dragged it into a gloomy abyss.
Sin prevented mankind from finding their way back to God. Darkness crept over them and they turned against God. Their heart became hardened as they listened to the dark menacing spirits set on the destruction of mankind. God cast them out of His righteous family—the Garden of Eden, until His redemptive plan was accomplished. “After he [God] drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life” (Genesis 3:24). Adam and Eve attempted to justify their bad behaviour with coverings of fig tree leaves, but God showed them that the only covering for sin will require the blood of a perfect sacrifice. So, God made garments of skin and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). He then, prevented mankind from accessing the tree of life—the Savior, the Word of God, until his sacrifice was accepted.
From that moment, God put into action His plan of redemption, restoration, and unity.
Sin began on earth with Adam and Eve, but its earliest origins began in heaven. Creation in heaven was the first of two creations.
They were created perfect and with spiritual knowledge. The countless beings in heaven enjoyed happiness and peace until iniquity was found. Lucifer who became Satan is the source of sin, he was a murderer from the beginning—a destroyer of spiritual life and a liar—the truth is simply not in him. He lied to Adam and Eve and brought the division from God that occurred among the rogue rulers, powers and authorities in heaven onto earth.
Satan spread his theology far and wide. Earth became a centre for sin. Before the flood, evil became so entrenched that man’s soul became diseased and finally necrotic. “The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts and his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So, the LORD said, ‘I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth… But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD” (Genesis 6:5-8).
The two parts of man’s soul are his thoughts in his head and his emotions of the heart.
At the time of Babel after the flood, mankind began to wander again away from God. So, He decided to divide the nations, give them different languages, territories as well as heavenly rulers to guide them into righteousness. At this time, He decided to participate in this rulership and He chose a people not yet born—Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob.
“When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance [their inheritance was heavenly rulers over them], when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God [these sons of God were members of His heavenly court and highly respected, Ezekiel 31]. But the LORD’s portion is His people, Jacob His allotted inheritance” (Deuteronomy 32:8-9 Berean Study Bible).
Unfortunately, these heavenly rulers turned against God. Knowingly, they chose to rebel when they became proud and arrogant. They taught the nations to worship them instead of the Almighty God, the source of all life. The nations followed their heavenly rulers into rebelling against the Most High God.
This rebellion left God the Father and His Son to work with just one man, Abraham, to accomplish their goal. He was found by God “in a desert land [a place void of God’s truth], in a barren, howling wilderness [a place raging with wickedness from the leadership of rogue heavenly sons of God]; He surrounded him, He instructed him, He guarded him as the apple of His eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10). God found a man who would listen to Him.
Abraham became a friend of God and proved to be the faithful earthly father for God’s redemption plan. He demonstrated unconditional trust in God, undoubting faith in God’s promises and ever-ready obedience. The first mention of a promise for Abraham was in Genesis 12:1-3, “Leave your country [that place of wickedness], your people and father’s household [unconverted and a spiritually lost people] and go to the land [a new place—a holy place] that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So, Abraham left.
The promise comprised of a land, his descendants becoming a great nation, and blessings.
Abraham is key to understanding God’s leadership, His redemptive plan, restoration and finally, the complete unification of everything that was fractured as a result of sin, which began in heaven and flowed out to cover and disease the earth.
His righteousness is a unified body. His leadership is a marriage of His laws with mercy and grace. The story of Abraham and God’s use of imagery tell a story painted with beautiful and delicate details revealing a multiple dimensional picture built on many layers.
God protected Abraham from the raging lies of the rogue sons of God ruling over the nations. He taught him His ways, His laws, and the embedded meanings in His Holy Days. Abraham was not surprised when Melchizedek arrived after Abraham rescued his nephew Lot from the war of the nine kings. Lot was living in Sodom and both Sodom and Gomorrah were seized by the opposing four kings.
Melchizedek, king of Salem brought bread and wine. “He was priest of God Most High” (Genesis 14:18) and Abram gave him a tenth of everything (:20).
Melchizedek holds TWO roles: kingship and priesthood. He identifies the two anointings that form the leadership of God.
In Abraham’s seed God promised a Messiah who would qualify and pay the penalty for the sins of mankind. He came as the suffering servant, which is the example for the priesthood to be the servant of all, to be living sacrifices and he will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. “God gave the promises to Abraham and his child. And notice that the Scripture doesn’t say “to his children,” as if it meant many descendants. Rather, it says “to his child”—and that, of course, means Christ” (Galatians 3:16).
Jesus Christ’s rulership is DUAL: king and priest, national and religious leadership.
God Almighty confirmed with Abraham His promises and sealed an unconditional covenant after Abraham demonstrated his unbreakable loyalty, trust and faith in God with his willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac though God, himself provided the sacrifice. “I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers… No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:1, 5-8).
The everlasting covenant is the receiving of land and a city on a hill—kingship and people who God later revealed are a congregation worshiping a God—the Most high God. “‘You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites” (Exodus 19:6) and this was confirmed in the New Testament by the Apostle Peter, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (I Peter 2:9).
God’s righteous leadership is manifest in His description of His people:
This righteous leadership falls into TWO roles—two anointings:
God’s people that He claimed as His inheritance at the time of the division of people on earth into different languages and territories were to preach, rule, and live God’s righteous ways. Later, when God’s people rebelled, they followed the ways of the nations who were taught by their rogue heavenly rulers to prioritize national rulership over religious priesthood, resulting in oppression and cruelty due to the neglect of mercy and grace, which they did not teach. Their religious practices were perverse and detestable.
God confirmed this everlasting covenant with Abraham’s son, Isaac and again reconfirmed it with Jacob, not his twin brother, Esau who was born first.
The wrestling for this firstborn birthright began in the mother’s womb. This story images the grasping of God’s promises mirrored in ancient Israel and latter-day Israel. God told Rebekah that the birthright blessing will go to Jacob, born second. It will be the latter-day descendants of Abraham who would receive the birthright blessings of: kingship, the scepter and priesthood with the abundant blessings not ancient Israel—Esau, the firstborn of the covenant family for they became rebels.
Jacob’s life after he fled Canaan from his brother, Esau, was no ordinary sequence of events. Every event in this chapter of his life, mirrors God’s relationship with both the nation and church of ancient Israel. Jacob fell in love with a beautiful shepherdess, desiring to marry her but, he was tricked into marrying her sister, Leah, first. God wanted to marry a loving church—a shepherdess, but ancient Israel behaved like Leah; her poor eye-sight kept her floundering and staggering falling off the straight and narrow repeatedly.
Rachel was a shepherdess, the woman Jacob loved. God uses imagery to reveal His deep mysteries. A woman is always imaged as a church. Rachel images the faithful church—a religious body of people who throughout time followed Christ, their Shepherd.
She was tormented for many years because she was unable to conceive, until God performed a miracle and opened her womb. God made possible her conception and she became pregnant with Joseph. She died after giving birth to her second son, Benjamin. It was like this faithful church of few died before the fruits of their labor became known, like the prophets of old of which, Christ was the last.
Before Jacob died, he blessed his sons. It became very clear at this time that the birthright blessing implemented by God would again be broken. Jacob did not give the firstborn the birthright. Instead, it was divided and given to TWO sons: one—the fourth born of Leah and the other—the firstborn of Rachel. The mirroring in this story is rich as God tells the story of ancient Israel through Reuben who lost the firstborn birthright because of his adultery, so too, ancient Israel lost the firstborn birthright through their flirting and intimacy with the rogue gods ruling over the nations.
Jacob passed over Levi and Simeon because their massacre of the people at Shechem after the rape of Dinah, their sister. Jacob gave the kingship scepter to Judah. He proved his nobility and humility when he pledged his life to protect Benjamin on the journey from Jacob’s care to Joseph’s rule and vowed to serve Joseph as his slave to keep his pledge to his father to ensure Benjamin’s safety. This mirrors a future event, lying on our near horizon where the Jews will again pledge their lives on a national level to protect a people during their journey from the safety of God’s hands into the rulership of Christ; the transition will require protection.
In addition, King David proved his leadership as king. He never forgot the throne upon which he sat and in turn, God promised the King would come from his family line. Jesus Christ was born, son of David. The house of Judah would hold the royal kingship forever.
Joseph proved to be a great man. While imprisoned, he learned to trust in his God. Joseph ran from adultery; his relationship with God Almighty was never marred with treason; he could never be tempted just like Jesus Christ. Jacob loved Joseph from the beginning, the son born of the woman he loved. Such imagery mirrors God’s love for His own Son. The firstborn birthright blessing was given to Joseph by Jacob whose role is not yet realized. His descendants took the gospel to the world and on the near horizon, he will again feed the world God’s truth—His word during a time of great distress and darkness.
God slipped a timeline in among the twelve sons of Jacob. Originally, God intended that ancient Israel be that model holy kingdom of royal priests and receive the firstborn birthright, but they rebelled. God changed tradition and gave the kingship and sceptre to the 4th son of Leah and priesthood blessings to the first son of Rachel. The two different mothers also indicate the two different churches these leaders come out of. One tends to remain wayward until Christ’s return and the other follows Christ wherever he goes. The birth of Judah, the 4th son of Leah along the timeline reveals when the ruler who will be King arrives on the world scene—4/12ths from the beginning. The birth of Joseph, the firstborn son of Rachel reveals when the birthright blessings would become visible on the world scene. It would be 11/12ths from the beginning and Christ returns at the end of 12/12ths.
The story of these twelve sons becoming twelve tribes is filled with drama, joy and pain, happiness and anger, kindness and cruelty, law but no grace. They enter the Promised land under Joshua, a warrior of God and Israel. Judges are given and they enjoy many moments of peace and prosperity, but they can’t keep themselves from watching the nations. Eventually, they reject God as their King and demand an earthly king from their people. God accepts the choice of Saul, a Benjaminite from a tribe with resilience and a reputation of being strong fighters who is also head and shoulders above everyone else. They value self-reliance over trust in God. Saul and his family line are later disqualified by God for his disobedience and God has David from the tribe of Judah anointed king.
King David, a shepherd was a nurturing king applying both God’s grace and law. God promises his family line an eternal throne. King Solomon rules after the death of his father and asks God for wisdom. God is moved with delight and gives him earthly wisdom and riches. His kingdom prospers until he marries women from other nations and the worship of these strange gods and their detestable practices leads King Solomon away from God. He vows to take the kingdom from King Solomon and leave him with only rulership over Judah and Benjamin, two tribes. This fracture does not take place, until King Solomon’s son begins his reign and the first decision this king needs to make results in the division of the kingdom that remains to this day.
The fracture of the kingdom of Israel began during the second year of the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon’s son. The Israelites were heavily burdened by the king. Forced labour projects involved every tribe and the Israelites begged for relief, “but Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him. He asked them, ‘What message do you advise that we send back to these people who have spoken to me, saying, ‘Lighten the yoke your father put on us’?” Rehoboam followed the advice of his friends and responded to the Israelites’ plea, “Whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke. Whereas my father scourged you with whips, I will scourge you with scorpions” (I Kings 12:8-9, 11).
Outraged, “when all Israel [led by Jeroboam] saw that the king refused to listen to them, they answered the king: "What share do we have in David, what part in Jesse's son? To your tents, Israel! Look after your own house, David!" So, the Israelites went home” (I Kings 12:16).
It was God’s doing that the kingdom of Israel be divided because Solomon had married many foreign women and began bringing into Israel the treasonous worship of the gods from the different lands. In addition, King Rehoboam refused to give the Israelites relief from Solomon’s heavy taxes and forced labor. Grace was not an option in the eyes of King Rehoboam.
The fracture of the kingdom of Israel took place around 930 B.C.. Their hostility towards each other lasted for hundreds of years, until the Jews forgot they had brothers and the Christians forgot their Hebrew roots. The powers of Darkness may delight in this division in God’s inheritance, but God’s plan cannot be thwarted. God is strategically working through His grand plan for both His people and all of mankind to establish His purpose and accomplish His good pleasure.
“Remember the former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My PURPOSE will be established, and I will accomplish ALL My good PLEASURE’” (Isaiah 46:9-10).
God’s purpose and good pleasure involves two creations, one in heaven and one on earth. While the rogue heavenly rulers, powers and authorities of Ephesians 6:12 believe that they are in-charge and have thwarted God’s plan, they deceive themselves. God said to the heavenly ruler over Assyria who thought he was so powerful, as his earthly kings stomped and beat down other misguided nations on earth, “Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass, that you have turned fortified cities into piles of stone. Their people, drained of power, are dismayed and put to shame. They are like plants in the field, like tender green shoots, like grass sprouting on the housetops, scorched before it grows up” (Isaiah 37:27).
God uses the wicked to punish the wicked. While the heavenly king of Assyria was glorifying in his triumphs, God assured him, “But I know where you stay and when you come and go and how you range against me. Because you rage against me and because your insolence has reached my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came” (Isaiah 37:28-29). While the commander on earth did return home without attacking Jerusalem, the heavenly ruler was assured that he would be taken captive by God himself.
God foreknew the fall in heaven and on earth before the creation. The separating of mercy and grace from national laws and ordinances was a direct result of choices made by rogue heavenly rulers, powers and authorities and deceived mankind on earth.
Mankind on earth has a Savior who paid the price for sin. Mercy and grace have been extended to mankind, now God has moved onto the next step in His plan—to reunite, to make ONE all of the TWOs that came about when iniquity was found in heaven and sin sold to mankind on earth.
Bullinger provides a comprehensive analysis on Biblical numbers. He stated that number, “Two affirms that there is a difference—there is another; while One affirms that there is not another!” He added as an example, “When the earth lay in the chaos which had overwhelmed it (Gen 1:2), its condition was universal ruin and darkness. The second thing recorded in connection with the Creation was the introduction of a second thing—Light; and immediately there was difference and division, for God DIVIDED the light from the darkness.”
In summary, the number TWO is a stamp of DIFFERENCE.
The number two in the Bible is a teaching mechanism about difference where one is not superior to the other and both are a fitting companion for each other.
Law and Grace are different like the two houses of Israel—one upholds the law and the other embraces grace, like national and religious leadership—one focuses on the rules and regulations, while other focuses on the how to keep the rules and regulations, how to turn away wrath, how to appropriately cover a multitude of sins, how to remain calm and open to reason when emotions are raging, how to recognize the wrong way from the right way, and how to resolve issues peacefully. The nations of the world and God’s people who craved the ways of the nations, chose law and national leadership over grace and religious leadership. This choice has led to abuse and corruption within the justice system and oppression and hardship for the people. They do not have leaders who are nurturing shepherds. God foresaw their choices long ago. In imagery, He demonstrates his foreknowledge.
Over the Ark of the Covenant, God has placed two angels who witness that the law is applied exactly as God intends it and grace is given accordingly. The two angels also image the two witnesses during the Great Tribulation who preach the LAW of God and His GRACE.
Upon celebrating the Day of Pentecost prior to 32 A.D., the Israelites were told, “You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour; they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the LORD” (Leviticus 23:17). These two loaves image the sin-filled two houses of Israel from ancient times all the way into the present. God foreknew that sin would remain present throughout this evil age.
On the momentous Day of Pentecost in 32 A.D., the Apostle Peter addressed ALL of the people of Israel by declaring, “For the promise is to you and to your children [the Jews], and to all who are afar off [the ten tribes], as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:39).
While only Jews were present when the New Testament church began, this New Testament church was not limited to one house or even two, but opened its doors to everyone from all nations. Peter was sent to Cornelius, a Gentile. “Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him’” (Acts 10:34-35). Peter continued to explain the message of salvation to those assembled, and “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word” (Acts 10:44).
The two olive trees are the two anointings of king and high priest revealed to Zechariah 4:14, “These are the two anointed ones who stand before the God of the whole earth.”
God is not hiding his plan through His imagery. Quite the contrary, He said, “Listen, O high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come…” (Zechariah 3:8).
Zerubbabel, the king is symbolic of one of the olive trees and Joshua, the high priest is symbolic of the other. Joshua was given new garments showing God’s grace and desire to use him and they symbolize things to come—Jesus Christ as King and High Priest, Melchizedek. The flow of oil from each tree demonstrates the two different leaders generating an oil [righteous leadership] that collects into a golden bowl and flows down into seven candlesticks, which ignite the oil into shining bright lights symbolizing the seven churches of a holy kingdom of royal priests preaching and living the pure way of God. Their righteousness is the light from the candlesticks showing the nations the way to happiness and joy living in love and peace.
The two witnesses of Revelation are two olive trees and the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the earth. The reference to the angels standing before God points to the leadership of God Almighty, which is both King and High Priest. His leadership role is DUAL both equally important and valid.
The candlesticks symbolize King and Priest, Law and Grace, House of Judah and House of Israel, Synagogues and Churches, Jews and Christians. Today, these remain separated, but the time is coming when all five become one.
The two sticks image the two houses of Israel divided over 3,000 years ago. One stick is in the hand of the house of Judah and the other stick is in the hand of Joseph. When Christ returns, he will take both sticks into his hand and forge them back into ONE kingdom to be reunited forever.
The story is recorded in Ezekiel 37:15-22. “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am going to take the stick of Joseph—which is in Ephraim's hand—and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and join it to Judah's stick. I will make them into a single stick of wood, and they will become one in my hand. They will be ONE nation; they will have ONE king over them all “and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.”
For hundreds of years, the two houses fought against each continuing into the 21st century through antisemitism bias and prejudices and Christian persecution. God’s people have a painful history. The Jews worked against Jesus in bringing their brothers, the lost sheep of Israel back into the covenant family and rejected him as the Messiah. The baton was passed to the Gentiles to take the gospel to the world. Then on 32 A.D. the New Testament church on Pentecost began with a congregation of Jews, but by 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea no Jewish representation was allowed. The Crusades were the efforts of the ten tribes of Israel who still remembered their Hebrew roots fighting using national power to protect their ancient homeland. Into the 21st century, the Jews have forgotten their brothers and their brothers have forgotten their Hebrew roots. Synagogues remain separate from Christian churches both worshiping in the God of Israel, but keeping their distance from each. There remains a dark and evil effort to destroy the royal line of David and the Evangelical New Testament teachings of Christ in you.
God cannot be overthrown. His purpose and pleasure will be accomplished. This barrier that separates the two houses of Israel into the 21st century will be shattered during Jacob’s time of trouble. Both houses will be humbled and both will call out to God at the same time with their arms locked beseeching their God for forgiveness and rescue.
“In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave to your fathers as an inheritance” (Jeremiah 3:18).
They will come weeping back to God, together at the same time. “In those days and at that time, declares the LORD, the children of Israel and the children of Judah will come together, weeping as they come, and will seek the LORD their God. They will ask the way of Zion and turn their faces toward it. They will come and bind themselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten” (Jeremiah 50:4-5).
God will hear and in His great power and might He will give them a double blessing. He will RESCUE them and give them VICTORY.
God will not forget His covenant with Abraham. “As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. Return to your fortress [victory is on its way], O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore TWICE as much to you. I will bend Judah as I bend my bow and fill it with Ephraim. I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and make you like a warrior’s sword, Then the LORD will appear over them; his arrow will flash like lightning. The Sovereign LORD will sound the trumpet; he will march in the storms of the south, and the LORD Almighty will shield them. They will destroy and overcome with slingstones… The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of his people. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown” (Zechariah 9:11-16).
Then finally, “The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim” (Isaiah 11:13).
King David will be king over them; they will have ONE shepherd. The law-abiding house of Judah will be rebound with the grace embracing house of Israel.
And finally, they will be unified in everything with Christ as their King of kings and Lord of lords. The world will be watching; they will witness a transformation to behold. And “at that time Jerusalem will be called The Throne of the LORD, and all the nations will be gathered in Jerusalem to honor the name of the LORD.They will no longer follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts” (Jeremiah 3:18).
Christ is working to restore things to how they were before iniquity was found. The great war in heaven led by Satan and his coalition brought division, disunity, confusion and destruction. Set on destruction, crafty Satan lured mankind into his dark world. But, despite the destruction, God’s purpose and good pleasure will be accomplished. Righteousness will prevail, reunification and restoration are on the near horizon and peace will rise up to reign forever.
Out of a time of great distress, Christ will bring God’s people together as a kingdom of one. They will be unified to apply law and grace perfectly, unified in love for one another, unified loving God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength, unified in serving and loving their Savior and following him wherever he goes. Then, he will lead them home, back to the Promised Land to resettle and rebuild and become God’s good pleasure—a holy kingdom of royal priests witnessing to the nations, teaching them God’s loving ways and sharing God’s blessings.
All this is made possible by Jesus Christ: his sacrifice, his love, his loyalty to his Father, his love for righteousness and his great love for all of mankind on earth.
Christ has been anointed King of kings and Lord of lords and he has extended his hand to the saints, his bride, to partner with him in ruling as King and Queen over two different realms: heaven and earth brought together as one under one monarchy. Together, they will marry God’s law with His grace into order and happiness. Together, they will reign as one forever.
Sin brought suffering and creation on earth have all felt the pain in varying degrees. However, God does have a purpose in allowing sin and suffering. God is testing, refining and perfecting.
Through suffering, we are also made perfect, like Christ before us who was made perfect. The Apostle Paul said, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings” (Hebrews 2:9).
Through Christ’s perfect sacrifice, all of mankind have been bought by Christ through his blood and have been given the great honor of serving God as priests—a people perfected through suffering, compassionate, patient, kind and loving righteousness—experts in God’s way of love.
Righteous creation in heaven rejoice in the future of mankind serving God as priests of righteousness. “And they sang a new song: ‘Worthy are You to take the scroll and open its seals, because You were slain, and by Your blood You purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign upon the earth’” (Revelation 5:9-10).
God uses stories and imagery to teach in vivid detail the steps of His plan for mankind. He is a transparent God not wanting to keep His creation in the dark. This study shines light on what the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 3:8, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.”
And finally, all this will be made possible through Jesus Christ, all of the TWOs will be married into ONE.
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